Exclusive community


The Wild and Unwritten Exclusive Community is a Private Instagram Account for photographers looking to expand their education on a weekly basis, as well as build a fun, easy-going community passionate about similar things. We want to connect with you, share relatable stories, show all of the messy and imperfect along with the structured education to make sure you get the absolute most out of this platform we have created!


> more intentional
> more interactive with community AND the hosts
> on the fly education & BTS
> personal day to day BTS 
> a continuous look into our everyday lives as business owners
> easier to navigate 
> curated educational content 

We chose to host our community via a private Instagram account because it allows Wild and Unwritten to be more intentional with their students via resources such as comments and direct messaging. It also allows us to provide continuous on-the-fly-education and thought processes, personal life BTS as well as business related BTS. In addition, it is easier to navigate, is more accessible on-the-go, and allows education to come in many different forms.



On the fence about the value you’ll receive from the money you’re paying?
Signing up for a YEAR is LESS THAN a singular 2 hour mentor session with Kylie OR Peyton individually. A Yearly Subscription promises you HUNDREDS of hours of education, dozens of curated educational topics, and continuous BTS of everything business & life related.


+ Up to “Two Different Topics” a Month of Curated Educational Content (which may include worksheets, guest speakers, templates, etc.)
+ Random Live Videos/Live Chats (introducing & diving into topics, personal life, live Q+A’s, etc.)
+ Monthly Live Video Calls with the Community (to chat about previous education, upcoming education, life, etc.)
+ Continuous Behind the Scenes (Personal & Business)
+ Weekly Thoughts/Inspiration via posts & stories
+ First access to tickets for in person events 
+ Discounts on future launch products


How do sign ups work?

Sign Ups open up ONCE A MONTH! So it’s best to keep an eye out for sign-up openings, they’ll be in the last week of the month! After this period has passed, you won’t be able to sign up until the following month. Sign up through the link above, follow the instructions listed, and you’ll be permitted into the group on the 1st of the month.

Can I cancel my subscription any time?

Yes, you are able to cancel your subscription at any time before the next billing cycle. Just note, you have a “grandfathered” rate at whatever rate it is you sign up at. The price is subject to change at any time, so if you decide to come back later, it would likely be higher.

What if I am unable to attend any random Lives and/or the Monthly Live Calls?

We will save any and all random Lives! They will show up as posts on your feed, and we will make them easy to spot! Just note that being there in person ensures that any questions you may have, are more likely to be answered! We will not be recording the Monthly Calls. We will try our best to host them at a time that works for everyone. They will always be held at the end of the month.

What will the BTS look like? How much will I really see outside of the bi-weekly topics?

We’re excited to show you BTS of things like shoots, editing, and all things alike – however we are also so excited to create a space where we can just let you into our lives and how we go about our day to day as moms, business owners, wives, and other roles that we play! We think it’s so important to see and understand that we all have lives behind our business, as it affects the way we run our businesses greatly!

Do I need to prep for the Monthly Lives?

The monthly lives are simply chats for everyone to get to know each other within this community we’re building, as well as chat about what content and education was released within that month. We will drop a Question box leading up to the chats, so that way any questions, insights, etc. you may have, can be answered by us throughout the call!

Can I submit a request for future educational topics or suggestions?

Absolutely! We love to hear what you all are most interested in seeing in future curated topics so we can cater to specific needs that are in most demand. You can hop over to the contact form to do so, or suggest it within our monthly live chats/question boxes at the end of the month!

Will you still be hosting in-person workshops?

We are hoping to begin hosting 1 in-person workshop a year beginning in 2025! Be on the lookout for more information on the launch of the next one. The WU Exclusive Community gets first access to tickets!

join the community